Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Ivana is an adorable 22-month-old girl, who is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. Thanks to your defining support, we have offered Ivana the chance to undergo 4 sclerotherapy sessions! So far, the results of these treatments have been spectacular, since the little girl’s tongue has been greatly reduced in size, while the gastrostomy has been finally removed. However, in order for the doctors to remove the tracheostomy as well, and in order for the little girl to utter her first words, Ivana will need to be subjected to additional sessions of electrochemotherapy and sclerotherapy, which will be targeted to the area of the pharynx.

We keep on fighting for Ivana’s rescue!

από Steve Tsomp

  • 165.419,00 

  • 165.743,01 

  • Target Goal

Ποσοστό :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

Ivana is an adorable 22-month-old girl, who is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. Due to the location of the vascular dysplasia, the little girl was unable to breathe or swallow, therefore she had to be subjected to a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy. Since this is an extremely rare case of vascular dysplasia, it couldn’t be treated at any public hospital of the country. Ivana’s mother was in despair, until a specialized team of interventional radiologists, agreed to take on this case.

Thanks to your defining support, we have managed to raise the sum of 70.518,34 Euros and to offer Ivana the chance to undergo 4 sclerotherapy sessions! So far, the results of these treatments have been spectacular, since the little girl’s tongue has been greatly reduced in size, while the gastrostomy has been finally removed. However, in order for the doctors to remove the tracheostomy as well, and in order for the little girl to utter her first words, Ivana will need to be subjected to additional sessions of electrochemotherapy and sclerotherapy, which will be targeted to the area of the pharynx. According to the medical team who monitors her condition, Ivana will require at least 4 additional treatment sessions, the cost of which is exorbitant.  This is why we are readjusting the funding goal of this aid campaign to 148.455 €, so that we’ll be able to cover on time the cost of the additional treatments.

Thanks to all of you out there, Ivana’s health has improved greatly. We cannot give up now. Now, she needs us more than ever. So let us all join forces and offer this little girl a second chance in life!


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 You can help by the following ways:

  • – by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • – by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: “ IVANA 455 ”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF payment  RF28917199000045504550455.

  • – send a text message to 19825. The message must read: “ IVANA 455 ”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.






  • 29-12-2022

    Ivana is a 13-month old girl, who is suffering from a life-threatening rare form of vascular dysplasia.

    Ivana is a 13-month old girl, who is suffering from a life-threatening rare form of vascular dysplasia. When Ivana was born, her mother noticed that the baby had a huge mark on her cheek, while she also had difficulty breathing. Then the doctor’s took the baby for further tests and they soon realized that the baby girl was suffering from vascular dysplasia, which was extending to the area of the right cheek, the tongue and the pharyngeal wall.  

    Ever since, Ivana has been daily suffering, since she has experiencing difficulty breathing and swallowing, while a few months ago, she was subjected to a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy. This medical case is extremely rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital of the country. The only option available is that the child is immediately admitted to a private clinic in Athens, where she will be subjected to a series of innovative treatments, performed by a team of doctors who are specialized in cases of vascular dysplasia, in order to repair the vascular damage.  

    The first session will take place in early January. However, the little girl’s parents are unable to cope with the unbearable cost of her treatment and hospitalization, since it isn’t covered by any health insurance.  

    Ivana has been suffering ever since she was born and she needs our support in order to complete the necessary treatments and win the battle of life! Let us all join forces and offer this little fighter the change to breathe and to claim a future full of health!

  • 23-01-2023

    Time is running out!

    In a few days, Ivana will be admitted to the clinic in order to be subjected to her first treatment session!
    Ivana is only 13 months old and she is suffering from a rare, life-threatening form of vascular dysplasia. Ever since she came into this world, she has been experiencing a challenging life, since the vascular dysplasia she is presenting with, extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. As a result, the little girl is having difficulty breathing and swallowing.
    A few months ago, she was subjected to a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy, while in a few days she will be subjected to the first of a series of innovative treatment sessions, which will be performed in a private facility, since this medical case is extremely rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital of the country. The cost of the first session exceeds 10,000 Euros. Ivana’s parents have tried their best, however they haven’t been able to raise that kind of money.
    This treatment is Ivana’s only shot and it cannot be postponed!!! It’s imperative that she is subjected to these treatments in order to restore the function of her respiratory and digestive system.
    Let us all gather the remaining amount and offer her a chance to be subjected to the required treatments! If we all join forces, we can make it happen!

  • 08-02-2023

    A baby is in danger! She is suffering from an extremely rare condition!

    Ivana is a 13-month-old girl, who is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall.
    Ivana’s mother is recounting the uphill struggle her daughter has been facing ever since she was just an infant. When Ivana was born, her mother noticed that the baby had a huge mark on her cheek, while she was also experiencing difficulty breathing. That’s when the doctors took the baby for further tests and they soon confirmed that she was suffering from vascular dysplasia, which was extending to the area of the right cheek, the tongue and the pharyngeal wall.
    Ever since the diagnosis, Ivana has been daily suffering, since she has been experiencing difficulty breathing and swallowing, while a few months ago, she was subjected to a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy. The only option available was her immediate admission to a private clinic of Athens, where she would be treated by a team of doctors, who specialize in cases of vascular dysplasia. Following their recommendation, the little girl was recently subjected to the first of a series of innovative treatments, which aim to repair the vascular damage.
    Thanks to the Act of Kindness organization, and thanks to all of you out there, who have been supporting her struggle, our beloved Ivana has just been discharged from the private clinic of Athens, where she has been finally subjected to the required treatments. However, Ivana’s parents are unable to cope with the unbearable cost of her treatment and hospitalization, since this procedure is not covered by their health insurance.
    Ivana has been suffering ever since she was born and she needs our support in order to complete her treatments and to have a normal life like all other kids her age.
    Let us all join forces and offer this little fighter the chance to breathe without the tracheostomy and claim a future full of health!
    We are counting on you!

  • 24-03-2023

    Latest #update regarding Ivana, who is suffering from an extremely rare condition!

    About two months ago, and thanks to all of you out there, Ivana was successfully subjected to her first treatment session, which cost 19.702 Euros and which was performed in a private clinic of Athens.
    Ivana is just 15 months old and she is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. The little girl has been suffering daily, since she has been experiencing difficulty breathing and swallowing, therefore she now has a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy. This medical case is extremely rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital of the country.
    Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed to gather the amount that was required for her first treatment session. However, we are running out of time, since we still haven’t been able to gather the required amount for her second treatment session, which will be performed in a few days. Till this day, we have gathered 31.817,58 Euros, however the cost of her treatment plan is unbearable and only with team effort, will it be gathered on time.
    Little Ivana needs us more than ever. So let us join forces and offer this little fighter the chance to breathe and to be fed without any stomas! Together, we can make it happen!

  • 25-04-2023

    Ivana’s second treatment session was successfully completed. We keep on fighting for her recovery!

    A few days ago, and thanks to all of you out there, Ivana was successfully subjected to her second treatment session, which was performed in a private clinic in Athens. The second session cost 10.000 Euros, a sum that we wouldn’t be able to raise without your defining contribution.
    Ivana is just 15 months old and she has to wear a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy, since she is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. This medical case is extremely rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital in the country.
    Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed to gather so far the amount of 30.000 Euros, which was required for her two treatment sessions. However, we are running out of time, since in a few days, the baby will have to be subjected to the third session. Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to raise the amount that is requires for the procedure.
    Little Ivana is going through tough times and she needs us by her side. We cannot turn our backs on a suffering baby! So let us join forces and offer this little fighter the chance to remove the stomas and to live a normal life! Together, we can make it happen!

  • 24-05-2-23

    Ivana’s third treatment session has been successfully completed!

    A few days ago, Ivana was subjected to her third treatment session, while according to the specialized team of the interventional radiologists, who have taken on her case, the vascular damage she is suffering is being gradually restored. The cost of this session amounted to 22.000 Euros, a sum that we couldn’t possibly gather without your defining contribution.
    15-month-old Ivana is daily struggling, since she has a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy, due to suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. Since this case is so rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital of the country, the treatments are being performed in a private clinic.
    Thanks to your defining support, we have managed to gather on time, the amount required for the first three treatment sessions, which exceeds the sum of 52.000 Euros, while her mother is so grateful for everything you have been doing for her little angel. However, we must keep on fighting for Ivana, since she will soon have to undergo her fourth treatment session, while we still haven’t been able to gather the amount that is required for the procedure.
    Little Ivana has been through a lot, however she is not giving up! The treatments are working, which means that she’ll soon be able to get rid of the stomas! We cannot give up on her now! So let us join forces and offer this little fighter a chance at a normal life! Together, we can make it happen!

  • 09-08-2023

    Love can transform us all!

    Ivana’s mother has just sent to our Organization, pictures of her daughter before and after her 4th treatment!
    Your love towards this child has paid off.
    Her family is excited and so are we.
    18-year-old Ivana is daily struggling, since she has been diagnosed since birth, with a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. As a result, the little angel permanently has a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy.
    Thanks to your defining support, we have managed to gather, just in time, the cost of the little girl’s first four sessions, which exceeds the sum of 62.000 Euros! According to the specialized team of interventional radiologists who are treating her, the vascular dysplasia has been significantly reduced, while the last session, will allow our little friend to get rid of the stomas once and for all!
    The remaining amount for little Ivana’s last session amounts to 2.958 Euros. We are so close to the finish line. If we join our forces for one more time, we will be able to improve Ivana’s health, as well as her overall quality of life!
    We can make it happen!


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